Old News: 07/07/2006 I know this is late, but I was out of town the last day or two, so I wasn't able to update when I wanted to. Anyway, happy late 4th of July! I decided to spend a little extra time on this one and make it look good. There will be wallpaper versions available later, for anyone interested. As for the work around here, I've done a bit more touching up though I haven't got any of the other pages up yet. I'll probably add more to The Vault later today, however right now I need to sleep.
Old News: 07/04/2006 Wow. Ok I found a fatal flaw with the structure of the site earlier so I've rebuilt all the pages from the ground up. Same layout though, and hopefully almost no noticable differences, but the code is much more flexable (and simplified) than before. Not 100% what I want, but it'll have to do for now. I've also been working on some more art at work, but nothing is actually to the point where I feel like posting it yet, but it should be coming soon. I added another tutorial to the Tutorials section about FTP. Check back later for more updates, as I'm still putting together the actual studio that's going to be the main focus of the site.
Old News: 07/01/2006 I've added some pictures and such to The Vault, but there are more coming as I find them. (My old work is scattered all over my hard drive. -_-) Also, the Old News section is up, but currently just has my last news post. Any time this area features any new news, the last and any previous posts will be documented there. Also added is the Tutorials section, which currently has the few tutorials I've written. I plan to add more later. I've also modified the layout slightly so it looks better (In my opinion) and also translates better between Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you use any other browsers and this page looks like crap, I appologize, but those are the only two I've tested this on, and it was a pain in the butt to get those two to cooperate, so if there's any complaints it doesn't work in Opera, Netscape, or any other browser you might be using, all I can say is "Get Firefox instead." That's it for now.
Old News: 06/27/2006 Well, basicly I'm going through and overhauling the site, as you may have noticed, since my objective has sorta changed. Seeing as how I can't really do a normal comic, Guilty By Design Studios is going to become more like a regular studio. It will showcase pinups and artwork done by me, mostly featuring a cast of models that are currently under development. I'll archive all my older work in The Vault, and any comics I have done or will do in the future in the Comics section, but the updates will be completely random, as I don't regularly draw comics. Hopefully, this will allow me a bit more freedom to do what I want, and will make it easier for me to keep regular updates.