Go to http://www.comicgenesis.com and click on the "Join Us" button.
Step 2
Read ALL of the information on the next page. In summary: Your comic cannot be completely composed of:
Copyrighted Sprites / blatant edits of copyrighted sprites.
Screenshots taken directly from any kind of pc/videogame.
Basically your comic must be your own work; no ripping other people off.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: This is mainly to avoid legal action against ComicGenesis for hosting such copyrighted material. Not only that, it's unoriginal and has been done to death. You can use copyrighted characters in your comic as long as the art is all your own under the 'Fair Use' act.)
Step 3
Click the "Sign Up Now" button.
Step 4
Fill in all the fields:
A correct (and working) e-mail address
Verify the e-mail address
Author Name (only one author name is allowed)
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Currently, this name will be the one displayed on The Guide and when your page is first generated.)
address (line 1)
address (line 2)
State/Province (Abbreviations only. eg: California = CA; Alberta = AB, etc.)
Country (NOT abbreviated)
Postal or Zip Code (For a postal code, put three digits in each box. For a zip code, only use the first box.)
Phone Number:
Box 1: Country Code. (You can find a list of country codes here. Find your country, and take the number from the very next column (Remove any +'s or *'s) and enter that number in this box.
Box 2: Area Code (Do not confuse this with Zip or Postal code.)
Box 3: First three digits of your phone number
Box 4: Last four digits of your phone number
Your Username (This will be the comic address and your FTP username. So entering, for example, 'mycomic' as your username would make your comic address be 'http://mycomic.comicgenesis.com' and when you log into FTP your username would be 'mycomic'.)
Comic Title (The full title of your comic.)
Set your update offset (If you don't understand it, which you probably won't, I would recommend leaving it as it is and tweaking it after your account is set up.)
Brief description of your comic
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Take special note of the word 'Brief'. This is for your listing on The Guide, and ment to be a simple overview. Do NOT write a book report about your comic explaining everything and every character in detail.)
Submit a sample comic (This will show up as your first comic when your account is first created, but it can be easily changed or removed afterwards.)
(KittyKatBlack's Note: This SHOULD be a comic, even though you can replace it, you shouldn't put filler here. Also, DO NOT UPLOAD LARGE IMAGES! It's annoying and can break The Guide. A good rule of thumb is to not let the width of your comic exceed 800 pixels, which is generally the maximum screen width for people with 800X600 resolution. Anything larger than that can stretch pages out of proportion. Not to mention it's generally hard to read and look at.)
Check the box to signify that you agree to what was stated in the Terms of Service page (Don't forget to do this, it's easy to miss if you're not paying attention.)
Click the "Verify" button
Step 5
Wait until you recieve your varification e-mail. It can take up to 24 hours to send, so be patient. If you do not recieve it within 2 weeks, you will need to sign up again because your application will have expired.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Be sure to check your spam/junk mail boxes if you have a spam filter. Occasionally this e-mail will be sent there because it is automated, but it generally shouldn't.)
Step 6
When you recieve the e-mail, go to the URL given to you and enter your activation code. Wait at least 7 days for your password via e-mail. It generally takes at least this long, so don't panic if it's been a whole week and you still haven't got it. You may need to wait 2-5 days after you recieve this e-mail before your account becomes fully active. Keep checking your website address until you can see the sample image you signed up with. This is the easiest way to keep track of it's progress.
Step 7
When you recieve your password, chances are it will be a random string of numbers and letters. It's much easier to change it into something you can easily remember, so it's recommended you go here and change it. Enter your FTP username (The one you signed up with. We used 'mycomic' as an example.), a new password, and then that same password again and click "Generate New Password". You should recieve an e-mail almost instantly with an activation code. Return to the Lost Password Page and enter the code you got and click the "Activate" button. You should now be able to log in using your new password.
Step 8
At this point, you should sign up for a ComicGenesis forum account if you haven't already. After this, go to the ComicGenesis main page and click "Log In" to sign into the SiteAdmin using your forum username and password. Your comic title should appear. By clicking it you can edit your comic data, ratings and other information. This is also where you can do manual updates.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: If your comic doesn't show up when you log in, you can add it by just clicking the "add" button. Simply use your FTP username and password and the appropriate comic will be added to the list. If you have multiple comics, you can add them all to this list for easy access.)
Step 9
To edit and add pages and images to your site, you'll need to use FTP. You can do this using an FTP client, ComicGenesis' built in WebFTP, or Internet Explorer's built in FTP support.
For WebFTP:
Go here.
For Internet Explorer:
Go to your comic's website.
In the address bar, replace 'http://' with 'ftp://'.
Press OK in the dialog box that pops up.
Click 'File' in the top-left of the Internet Explorer window.
Click 'Login As...'
Enter your FTP username and password you just created.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: You can also go here for a tutorial on an alternate method of using Internet Explorer for FTP. This is the one I use.)
Q: Does it really take over a week to recieve your password after you recieve the first e-mail?
A: Yes, but the wait is worth it. You get unlimited space and bandwidth for your comic and all you have to do is place a banner ad at the top of each page.
Q: Why?
A: Just because. Just wait the 7 days. Trust me, it's really worth it at the end.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Mainly, this wait is because the ComicGenesis admins review each comic submission manually to check for Terms Of Service violations, or problems that might come from accepting the submission. And since they get a LOT of submissions, it takes a long time to go through them all.)
Q: Can I use FTP with Mozilla Firefox?
A: As far as I know, Firefox does not have FTP support by default. There may or may not be add-ons that will allow it, but I have no idea if there are any.
Q: I need help with *Insert Commercial FTP client here*
A: As I use Internet Explorer's FTP support, I cannot help you with any other kind of FTP client, but you could try posting on the ComicGenesis Help Forums. Someone there is bound to be able to help you.
Q: Some of the pages mention something called "Keenspace". What's that?
A: Keenspace was the original name of Comic Genesis. Whenever you see something that says "Keenspace", pretend it says "Comic Genesis."
Q: What do I do next?
A: I'd suggest you begin by reading The Gear to get an idea of what to do now that you have your account set up. If you you still can't figure it out, try one of the following:
CG Wiki: http://cgwiki.comicgenesis.com
ComicGenesis Help Forums: http://forums.comicgenesis.com/viewforum.php?f=1
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Also, don't forget to check out the ComicGenesis Roadmap. It covers pretty much everything about how to use the ComicGenesis system.)
NOTE: NEVER e-mail the ComicGenesis staff directly, as they are very busy. There are literally hundreds of friendly people who can help you with just about anything on the ComicGenesis Help Forums, and you'll usually get a response on the forums in under a day.
(KittyKatBlack's Note: Unlike many online forums, the ComicGenesis forum is very active and almost always has people available to help you. It's very newbie friendly and we'd love to see you so I would HIGHLY recommend joining the community on the forums. We don't just give help, we do fanart for each other, play forum games and do comic jams. You really should check it out, even if you don't need help. ^_^)
Good Luck, and Happy Comicking.
-Jason Torchia
(KittyKatBlack's Final Note: Many thanks to JT for submitting this tutorial!)
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